Community Grants

Braided Rivers Community Trust Grants

We are proud and pleased to be able to support our local community in the form of grants to sports clubs/teams, arts and cultural societies, special interest and education organisations within our area.

As the Braided Rivers Community Trust is only able to distribute funds within a specific geographic boundary,  shown on the map, if you or you organisation resides outside this area please get in touch and we may be able to direct you to someone else who can help such as Lion Foundation.

Grant Checklist

Before applying for a grant please check whether you are within our grant area.

Grant applications are due on the first day of the month of the grant meeting ie. Applications for the August grant meeting are due on 1st of August. They can be emailed to or delivered to Level 2, 161 Burnett Street, Ashburton.

 Supporting Information is required, please make sure you have the following

  • Two Quotes - These should be no less than 6 months old, addressed to your organisation, show GST content and suppliers contact details. For Operating expenses - 3 months consecutive bills.

  • Verification of your affiliation or governance to a regional or national body. Sporting groups are required to be affiliated.

  • Board Resolution, or full minutes. 

Photo by cottonbro from Pexels
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Braided Rivers Community Trust Grant Pools

The Trust is targeting an annual budget for all grants to ultimately be calculated as a percentage of the Trust's net assets. However for the transition period to March 2023 the Trust has instead set a total budget for all grants of $100,000 p.a, this total budget will be divided into two categories.

Please consider which grant pool may apply to you before sending in an application.

Quick Response Grants:

        Helpful when an unexpected expense/unbudgeted event has occurred, and time is of the essence.

        This may include but are not limited to:
       - Building Repairs
       - Replacing broken equipment

Quick response grant applications are considered at monthly grant meetings every month except January.The grant pool is currently $40k spread across 11 meetings.

Applications close: 1st of each Month.


     Annual/Multi Year Grants:

        This grant is perfect for when your group or organisation is needing a large sum of money or possibly a grant spread over multiple years.

        This may include but are not limited to:
        - Hosting annual events
        - Annual scholarships
        - New uniforms for the sporting season Feb - Aug

Annual grant applications are considered twice each year at the February and August meetings. The grant pool is currently a total of $60k spread across the 2 meetings.

Applications close: 1st February and 1st August.


Braided Rivers Community Trust Grant Forms and Information

For more information please select one the options below or contact us at

Lion Foundation Grants

The Lion Foundation is one of New Zealand’s oldest and most respected Charitable Trusts. Since 1985 they have returned over $985 million back to the community, supporting thousands of good causes all around New Zealand.

To reinforce their commitment to our local communities The Lion Foundation has Grrant Committee’s which operate across the country. These committee’s ensure that they have local people making local decisions about local funds.

The decision on which organisations are successful is made by the Grants Distribution committee. The committee consists of the six elected Braided Rivers Community Trust Ashburton Board members, the Mayor of Ashburton and four independently appointed Ashburton residents.  


All monies generated through the gaming machines in the Mid Canterbury* are returned to Mid Canterbury* based organisations. The Lion Foundation has ownership of machines at the following sites:

  • Tinwald Tavern, 103-107 Archibald Street, Ashburton
  • Hotel Ashburton, 11-35 Racecourse Road, Ashburton 
  • Devon Tavern, 116-118 Victoria Street, Ashburton
  • Railway Tavern, 124 Railway Terrace, Rakaia
  • Hinds Tavern, 99 Peters Street, Hinds
  • Ash Hills, 78 Tancred Street, Ashburton
  • Brown Pub, Corner of Main St & Forest Drive, Methven

*Mid Canterbury is defined geographically (as opposed to Electoral boundaries) as Rakaia to Rangitata Rivers.


Lion Foundation Grant Forms and Information
For more information please select one the options below.

lion logo

Office Hours:

Monday – Thursday 9am to 3pm

Physical Address: 

Level 2, Somerset House, Cnr East & Burnett Streets, Ashburton 7700

Postal Address:   PO Box 217, Ashburton 7740

Phone:   +64 3 307 5911
